Volume 6 Issue 4

1. Augmented Reality in Science Education: Current Technologies and Potential for Secondary Education in India

Sanchita Ashok Jadhav*

2. Formulation and Evaluation of Antifungal Ointment from Galinsoga Parviflora

Mona Madake*, Pratiksha Pawar

3. टैगोर का शैक्षिक दर्शन और भारत में उनका प्रकृतिवाद:एक दृष्टिकोण

डा. ओम प्रकाश यादव*, डा. राकेश कुमार

4. Enhancing Academic Achievement: Integrating STEM Technology in Physics Education for Secondary Level Students in CBSE Schools

Sanchita Ashok Jadhav* , Vipinkumar Rambali Yadav

5. भारत में समावेशित शिक्षा, चुनौतियां एवं अध्यापकीय उत्तरदायित्त्व: एक विश्लेषण

डा. ओम प्रकाश यादव*, अनूप पांडेय

6. A Glimpse into Nanotechnology of Ancient Times

Dr. Ch. S. Anuradha*, Dr. A. Hymavathi, Dr. S. Padmavathi

7. Review Article on Isoniazid Drug and their Different Biological Activities

Manpreet*, Shilpa, Harjeet Kaur

8. Aspects of Indian Medical Device Regulation

Harjeet Kaur*, Manpreet, Shilpa

9. Review on hydrazone and it’s biological activities

Harjeet Kaur*, Manpreet, Shilpa

10. Challenges and Threats to Security in The Internet of Things (IoT)

R. Sreenivasan*